Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Persimmons and Pomegranates

I love fruit. Especially the expensive ones. And I hate paying for them. SO, my solution.....plant as many trees in my small city lot so I can enjoy in season fruit whenever I can (usually year round here in sunny southern California). Right now the more exotic fruits are in which is a nice change from bananas, apples and oranges. Persimmons, pomegranates and guavas are crying out to me from their woody homes. What treats! For anyone who has never tried these fruits, it's definitely worth the price to experience them at least once. I figure at the cost of these things, I am a rich woman. LOL.

Josh (my 10 year old) and I were enjoying pomegranates this morning and he asked why did I suppose God chose to decorate the temple with golden pomegranates. Wow. Probably because they are one of the most amazing fruits around. And they are beautiful and delicious. And a taste of heaven. And not temperamental. They are easy going, and with a little water and fertilizer, they give back so much more. Everyone should plant a fruiting pomegranate. Zones 5-24 can grow them. I have personal reasons for having 3 of them in my small yard. When I was a little girl, a neighbor had a tree. We would do just about anything for one of those delicious little pods. It was rather quite pathetic. So I determined, one day, I would have my very own. Maybe explains why I have three. :)

Persimmons (FUYU, firm like an apple) are wonderful too, just not as exotic as pomegranates. The main thing is, DON'T buy the squishy ones except if you want to make persimmon bread or something. They are not very palatable to eat out of hand. But the Fuyu are definitely worth trying at least.

So Josh, thanks for asking 'cause it really got me to thinking about what an awesome God we have and the beauty and variety that He gave us in creation.


At 10:11 AM, Blogger David Edward said...

psst she has no nut trees in her yard, that is why she like to invite me over.....

At 8:09 AM, Blogger David Edward said...

I ate a pomegranite the last night
it was very delish!!


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