Monday, October 31, 2005

200 Hundred Bottles of Wine on the Wall....

Well, my days of vintress are over for a wee bit. The bottling is done, thanks, in no small way to my friends the Ts. Without them, it never would have happened. Also Dave G was a great help. Even Josh helped cork, and Monica was the eagle eye checking for mold in the bottles. We had everyone working either sorting bottles, checking bottles for mold, dunking bottles in bleach water, emptying bleach water and putting them in the dishwasher, filling bottles, corking bottles, and labeling bottles. We had quite the assembly line, all to the rockin' music of Billy Idol, and did this all in about 5 hours (of course that doesn't include the two solid days of prep work to get to this point!). We were all very happy about the time change. It was a perfect evening for the extra hour to show up.

Then to top it off, the T's came back Sunday evening to help with the last of the cleanup. They are my Rescue Rangers. That is a true friend....sacrificing when you've already gone beyond the call of duty. They again brought Billy Idol and so we cleaned to some fun music and enjoyed some of the fruit of our labors. It was all good tasting wine. My favorites are the 2003 Cabernet, the apple wine and the plum wine. I still have 25 gallons not yet bottled , but they are fine waiting a while.

Now is the time to move on to making cranberry wine, some mystery beer (I have malt and hops from a while ago but forgot what I was going to make so it will be a surprise), and get ready for a very busy season between now and the first of the year.

So mucho thanks my dear friends, the Ts. You are the best!

Now it is on to my ordinary life, which is really quite a delight to me. I just have to figure out what to do with these 200 bottles.......;)


At 3:50 PM, Blogger David Edward said...

two week warning - you must not continue in your slothful ways! Post or be posted...
Time to get witty, or pithy or something else

At 12:13 PM, Blogger David Edward said...

the 2003 cabernet was exquisite! so tasty _ I am coming back for more. and when I get there I will fix your broken computer so you can blog, oh and I will bring the camera so you can do the Holiday picture blog entry. Get your Mrs. Claus outfit ready.


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