Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Outside The Box

Gifts come in all shapes and sizes. But for me, the best ones don't usually come in boxes, and rarely have a physical size. For many years my children have asked me what I want for Christmas. And my response always was/is, "Just your love." When they were little, they were happy with that response because, of course, they had no money. So they would make cards and wrap unwanted toys and put them under the tree for me. But somewhere along the way, they started thinking their love wasn't enough. And that store bought presents were better. But I guess it takes being a mom to really understand how MUCH we consider the love of our children a gift. They don't owe us love. It truly is a gift.

This season has been crazy for us. Since Thanksgiving there has been for me two lunch jobs, one extended family dinner, one fancy catered dinner for 32, and a wedding for 250. The girls finished their finals at UCSB and UCLA just two weeks before Christmas, and started working at Mervyns so haven't been available to help much except at the wedding. This in addition to all my regular jobs. Oh and construction work going on here for a few days (including the cleanup). SO many gifts. Money enough to pay bills and buy Christmas presents. Wow. Wonderful but crazy.

But still, with all the work available, 3.86 and 3.91 GPA's for the girls, a beautiful tree, good food, family and good friends (the N's stopped with presents an gave me a gift certificate to the spa!), a warm house, health and I could go on and on, the second greatest gift is the love of my children. Oh we have our fights and disagreements, but we love each other. And as much as the kids might fight with each other, they love each other fiercely. They might be too young to realize it yet, but they do.

This year, I feel the hand of God's blessing heavy upon me. He has been good to us in 2005. This season I have been reflecting on where we have come in the last five years. I hope to write about it soon, mostly to remind myself of God's goodness to me, and to remind the kids of what an awesomel and loving God we have the privilege of calling Father.

And that is the greatest gift of all. Jesus came to the earth, born of a virgin, grew in wisdom and stature, healed the crippled, weak and sick, and taught God's wisdom and truth. And according to God's eternal plan, was crucified and died for the sins of those who would trust in Him. He bore the wrath and punishment we deserve. But it didn't end in the grave. He rose from the dead, because death did not have victory over him, and because of this we can have eternal life through him. The offer is extended to all. It is a gift, offered freely. There is nothing we can do to earn a gift, it is free by its very nature. And we are reconciled to God, through Jesus, God's gift to us. And to think, it all began with the love of a Father and the love of the Son....

So setting aside ALL the terrible things about this time of year, the frenzy, the stress, the mess, the wayyyyyyy too busy schedule, and the fact that Jesus most likely wasn't born at this time of year, it is wonderful to reflect on the good gifts we have all year. The ones that come outside the box......

So Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. And Liz, Katie, Mike and Josh, your love is still, the very best gift you ever give me.